

Willkommen in der Einwohnergemeinde Baar


  • Mo–Fr: 08.00–12.00 Uhr, 13.30–17.00 Uhr
  • Termine ausserhalb der Öffnungszeiten sind nach telefonischer Vereinbarung möglich.

Gemeinde Baar
Rathausstrasse 6
6341 Baar



Health matters



Healthcare in Switzerland is renowned worldwide for its quality. Hospitals and skilled doctors are equiped with the newest equipment and provide the whole range of medical treatments. Foreigners will find the same standards here as the ones they are accustomed to, or even better.

This high quality comes at a price. For this reason, health insurance is compulsory for all people living and working in Switzerland, no matter what your nationality is. Therefore, newly arrived persons should take out insurance with an authorised health insurance company.

Canton of Zug provides a list with foreign language speaking doctors & dentists 

If you or a family member feels sick and your usual doctor is not on duty, his answering machine will give you an alternative. You can also call the Doctor on Duty: T +41 (0)41 211 14 14, a 24-hours central telephone service that provides information and advice. If necessary, they can immediately locate doctors, dentists and pharmacies on call at the moment.

Hospital emergency services handle patients in order of their urgency. The cantonal hospital in Baar has a 24-hour emergency service, also for children. You may go there yourself, so don't call an ambulance if it is not necessary. The hospital will ask about your insurance coverage. If you don't have Swiss medical insurance, the hospital will probably require some advance payment or financial security. Emergency treatment will be provided even without insurance coverage, but billed later on.

Zuger Kantonsspital (= Zug Cantonal Hospital)
Landhausstrasse 11
6340 Baar
T +41 (0)41 399 11 11
F +41 (0)41 399 11 21

Andreas Klinik (= Private Hospital)
Rigistrasse 1
6330 Cham
T +41 (0)41 784 07 84
F +41 (0)41 784 09 99

In case of an emergency
Ambulance emergency call 144 (toll free)
Doctor on Duty +41 (0)41 211 14 14