

Willkommen in der Einwohnergemeinde Baar


  • Mo–Fr: 08.00–12.00 Uhr, 13.30–17.00 Uhr
  • Termine ausserhalb der Öffnungszeiten sind nach telefonischer Vereinbarung möglich.

Gemeinde Baar
Rathausstrasse 6
6341 Baar



Education & Child care

Education in Baar

The period of mandatory schooling lasts for nine years in Switzerland and consists of primary school (6 years) and secondary school (3 years). Moreover one year of kindergarten is compulsory. Children may attend a public or private school. Public school and public kindergarten are free of charge.

Children attend kindergarten for one ore two years, starting at the age of four respectively five. The year before primary school the attendance is compulsory.

The primary schools in Baar start out with all children that were six years old before the end of February. An accelerated or a delayed entry may be authorized for some children by the school psychologist. Special German language instruction is made available to integrate foreign language speaking children. The classes start with 1st grade (1. Klasse) and go to 6th grade (6. Klasse).

The secondary schools of Baar are divided into Sekundarschule (“Sek”) and Gymnasium (high school). The students are guided into the most appropriate school group based on their grades, goals, and social abilities.

After Sekundarschule young adolescents choose an apprenticeship based on their skills and perferences.
The more demanding Gymnasium lasts 6 years and is finished with an Maturitätszeugnis (federal graduation diploma) which allows to study at all swiss universities and is recognized by many universities abroad.

Many special programs make the Baar schools attractive for newcomers:

  • The courses have been organised in blocks from 8:15 am to 11:35 am for four lessons and from 1:30 pm on for further classes depending on level, for two to four lessons.
  • An à la carte offer of assistance and activities (lunchtime or afternoon activities and help with homework) are organised. These programs are voluntary and must be paid for.
  • Special programs include German classes for foreign speaking students, workshops for especially talented children, as well as speech and psychomotor therapy.
  • School/parent partnerships take various forms (special project workgroups, parent visit days e.g.). Many assume a part of the responsibility and the load on a few is eased. That is our conviction and more and more our experience.
  • Support is no longer separately organized with specific courses. It is given by remedial education consultants in the class itself. A basic level of counselling and social services are offered to support students, parents and teachers with schoolwork, individual and social difficulties.


Child care

In Baar, recent years have brought a large number of child care possibilities to supplement the family. The community of Baar supports that provision of care services. Block times at elementary school have been introduced in accordance with the education law. The coordination of the various services offered is organized by the office of "Familienergänzende Kinderbetreuung" (Family supplement child care), T 041 769 07 14. Further information and all of Baar's existing child care institutions, inclusive the English spoken, can be found in a booklet, which can be downloaded on www.baar.ch/ LINK.

Link zu Dienstleistungen/Familienergänzende Kinderbetreuung auf www.baar.ch
(+ Online-Dienst: Übersicht über die Familienergänzenden Online-Angebote)


The Public Library of Baar offers media like books, audiobooks, maps, CDs, DVDs and also a small choice of English books, audiobooks and magazines. A larger number of English media is available at the Public Library of Zug.

Anyone is entitled to use the library free of charge after registration (fee: 5 Fr.).

For further information see: http://bibliothek.baar.ch/de/

Ludothek (Toy Library)
The Ludothek offers almost 3'000 playthings, toys and party games. The normal loan period for most items is 28 days.
The access card is identical to the library card, so it is available at the Ludothek as well as at the Public Library. 

For each borrowed item a certain sum has to be paid. There are also subscriptions for the period of six (CHF 30.--) or twelve months (CHF 55.--) available. 

All the materials must be brought back complete and clean. Customers are responsible for the materials borrowed on their card and for any charges on items that are overdue, lost or damaged.

For further information see: http://ludothek.baar.ch/de/