

Willkommen in der Einwohnergemeinde Baar


  • Mo–Fr: 08.00–12.00 Uhr, 13.30–17.00 Uhr
  • Termine ausserhalb der Öffnungszeiten sind nach telefonischer Vereinbarung möglich.

Gemeinde Baar
Rathausstrasse 6
6341 Baar



Childhood and youth

Child and Youth Services:

Child and Youth Services aim to promote the quality of life for children and adolescents in the commune. They initiate and sustain procedures for making young people aware of the negotiation processes in conflicts. They enable individuals and groups to participate in drawing up and modifying these procedures.

Child and Youth Services have the job of strengthening the individual identity and sense of responsibility in children and young people as well as their social interdependence. The Services offer children and young people careers' advice and a free space for them to develop their own values. They encourage specific activities and give support through infrastructure and the necessary funding.




In Baar commune, there are associations in a variety of domains (sport, music, culture). You are bound to find something to suit you in the list.


Nurseries, Kindergartens:

A variety of daycare centres offer a range of experience for children roughly between 2.5 and 4 years of age. The children learn to move in a group of children the same age. Together they learn to have fun, to play music, to do crafts, to sing.

More information about playgroups

The playgroup "Deutsch macht Spass" (German is fun) is a programme for children for whom German is a second language. The aim is to facilitate learning German.

Spielgruppe "Deutsch macht Spass" - Leaflet & application form


International group for young children:

The intercultural group for young children, "Krabbeltreff Plus" provides a place for informal encounters. There is playing and singing and the chance to discover concretely how to occupy the youngest children. Brief information on issues regarding health and education complete the programme. Foreign-language parents can improve their language skills.
Financial support is provided by the Department of Health for Zug canton.



You can find all information about the schools in Baar at the following link:



Music school:

The Baar music school offers a vast range of classes. You can find all the important information on the homepage:



Play areas:

There are several public play areas in Baar. There is a list on this site:



MUNTERwegs – An intergenerational mentoring programme:

The mentors, in their free time, mentor immigrant children or children from socially disadvantaged Swiss families over a period of around 8 months.

Further information about the project can be found on the homepage: www.munterwegs-sein.ch


Zug Youth and Child Service "punkto":

The Zug Youth and Child Service "punkto" has a broad offering concerning child protection, youth development and advice and support for families and parents. Further information is available on the website:

Website Punkto Zug


Pro Juventute:

Pro Juventute tries to meet the needs of children and adolescents in Switzerland and ensures their rights are respected. They help in case of emergency, offering social services and supporting children and young people in their personal development. Pro Juventute's work is based on the principles of the UN convention on the Rights of the Child.

Further information on the website projuventute-luzg.ch/